How to Write The Perfect Services Page For My Business?

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Regardless of what type of service based business you or your company has you probably are wondering how to write the best services page for your business. we would be willing to guess you care about a few things: your user experience, ranking high in the search results, improving conversions rates and turning site visitors into potential customers for your business.

This article will teach you how to write a service page from start to finish that helps you do all of those things!

What is a Services Page?

A services page is a web page where potential clients go to learn more about the service or services that your company offers.

This page is a great place to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) about a service performed. A services web page also includes other elements like how you perform the service, the benefits, how long the service takes and testimonials from past customers who have used X service in the past.

A highly focused well built services page can be a boost to SEO and has the potential to lead increase the number of customers to your business.

Difference Between Service Pages, Product and Location Pages

When it comes to monetizing internet traffic there are three different types of web pages business owners should be concerned about: service, product and location pages. Each one of them has their own importance. Here are the main differences between the three.

  • Service pages: describes a service that a company performs in depth and detail.
  • Product pages: ideal when selling a product via ecommerce websites or those who sell digital products online.   
  • Location pages: useful when your business want to rank your webpages in many different locations.

What type of content should go on a services page?

The anatomy of a high performing services page can be broken down into a few key points. If you understand each of these points and the type information that should be included on the page by the end of this article you will have a high performing services page that is designed to convert website traffic into potential clients. 

Lets dive straight into it!

Short Descriptive Headline 

The first portion of a high performing services page is a short descriptive headline. Think about this as being your initial elevator pitch to a potential client. Your service page headline should also include the most important keywords you are trying to be found for.

See this image for how to write a descriptive service page headline.

An example of a high performing services page from Cindtoro Digital Marketing - Cindtoro homepage 2024

Reasons why this works 

Let’s break down some of the reasons why this headline works so well

  1.  Includes relevant keywords
  2.  Relevant description of the service
  3.  Provides a unique value proposition for the ways we help XYZ type of company.

Fast Visual Credibility 

Establishing visual credibility means differentiating your brand from your competition. This can be achieved by using logos of companies you’ve worked with or meaningful statistics or other elements like awards / accolades that set you apart.

Answers to Top Questions (FAQs)

Before a prospect can become a paying customer they likely have questions. During step three of the services page process you should look to answer top questions that your potential clients may have about the service that you provide. 

This is a great opportunity to answer questions from people even before they are asked. For example, at Cindtoro we provide search engine optimization services. Our customers fall into two different types of people. Those who know about SEO and those who don’t know anything about the service or the process. 

Here is an example of a common question we get from people who are new to the world of search engine optimization SEO “is how long does it take?”

Well the answer to the question is about 3 to 6 months before it starts working. 

Answers to top questions are important because by answering a question before somebody has asked it or by anticipating the questions they will ask it creates a smoother sales cycle and makes it easier to close the deal.

Clear Concise Content 

 Would you read a mountain of text from a website? Chances are probably not most people wouldn’t. Which is why when it comes to writing the perfect services page you should opt to have clear and concise content that covers the most important elements of your business. 

Look to utilize things like bullet points, and breaking up large paragraphs into smaller bite sized sections people can easily read and understand. You do not want your prospects to have to dig through information just to find the answer they were looking for.

Length of Content Best Practices  

You may have heard that longer content is better for search engine optimization. While this is true services pages do not need to be a massive amount of words.

Ideally your services page should be anywhere between 750 to 1,000 words for each service that your company has. if you need more words than 1000 consider ways on how to break up the page so it’s not overwhelming.

Client Testimonials 

Testimonials are another great thing to add on to a services page. Social proof should be from people who have utilized the service in the past as they can show how the results of the service benefited them this can help to encourage potential prospects as to why they should utilize your company for XYZ service that you offer.

Powerful Supportive Visuals 

 A high quality services page has powerfully supportive visuals. These visuals could be things like reasons to use the service, the benefits that people may receive or other enhancements to the page that help break up text heavy areas.

Faces of Real People 

At the end of the day it’s important to remember that business still deals with real people this will never change. Which is exactly why you should want to have faces of real people on your website. anybody can utilize stock photos from the internet.

These stock photos are often boring and not unique and they do not distinguish your company from others. That is why if you want a high-performing services page you should, when possible utilize faces of real people before you use stock photos.

Data / Statistics  

Some companies may not be able to highlight previous testimonials from past clients due to legal concerns, contracts or anything else that may hold them back from using social proof as a trust builder.

if you fall into that category luckily for you data and statistics will help you get out of the hole. This information could be things like: the number of employees you have, the results of your service, and any other noteworthy statistic that you can think of that will help set you apart from your competition.

Here is an example on how to use data / statistics from our own website

how to use data and statistics to write the perfect services page for your business

Compelling calls to action CTAs

If you don’t ask people to do something then the chances are said thing will not get done.

In digital marketing terms you need to have clear and compelling calls to action on your services page that help people take the desired action you want them to.

This is the opportunity to ask potential prospects what you want them to do: call now, schedule an appointment, tour a property, basically any action that is important to your business is what you should call out with your CTA section. 

Clear and understandable “flow” of information

We chose to put clear and understandable flow of information at the bottom of this article because now that you know the various elements for a high performing services page you will need to come up with a process that fits for your business and clients needs.

Information needs to flow clearly and concisely based upon the goals of your business.

For example, you can start with a clear headline, then you may add some social proof, from there you could have the benefits of your service or you can add your call to action.

When you structure your services page you need to think about what the life cycle is of your potential client how do they buy products what is important to them?

Services page best practices

 All services pages need to follow best practices to be considered high performing. this is what best practices means for a services page.

  •  do you have a clear concise headline
  •  does your page contain a call to action
  •  does your information flow in a clear understandable manner
  •  have you included imagery of real people
  •  do you have any testimonials if you don’t have any testimonials do you have any relevant data or statistics you can include
  •  Is your content 750 words or more?

Ways to to promote a services page on your website

Once you have created your services page and you have optimized it using the best practices the next important step is to find various different ways to promote it. 


The first way to promote a services page is to internally link to it on your website from the nav bar, the footer or other services pages that may be relevant to each other.

Social media

 Another excellent way to promote your new service page is to utilize the power of social media. Wherever your target audience is you can use targeted social media post to promote your services to reach your ideal target audience.

Paid digital advertising

 You can opt to utilize paid advertising like Google ads, Facebook ads, or other forms of paid digital marketing to drive relevant traffic to your services pages.

A great thing about utilizing paid advertising is the ability to target your ideal audience using a variety of demographic signals, headlines, descriptions and other things that will entice people to click on your advertisement versus somebody else’s.

Content marketing with SEO

You need to start the process of SEO which is the art form of getting relevant website traffic to that page organically through a search engine like Google or Bing.

Here is an example utilizing our own business: Cindtoro is a digital marketing agency so, we would want to be found as somebody is searching for that keyword. When it comes to your business you want to be found for keywords that are relevant to you! that is the job of SEO.


By following the service page best practices we laid out in this article you will be able to create a high quality services page that is custom tailored specifically for your business that turns potential prospects into paying clients!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I make my service page SEO-friendly?

You can make a service page SEO friendly by having a clear and concise title, including relevant targeted keywords throughout the content of your web page.

Make sure you utilize SEO alt text, and lots of imagery! By doing these things your webpage page will become more optimized than your competitors which leads to increased Google keyword rankings and overall website traffic.

How many images does my service page need?

There is no set amount of images that a service page or other web pages need to have. You can have as many images as you would like on your services page. But a good rule of thumb is utilize as many as it takes to get your point across to your ideal target audience.

How many services pages do I need?

For SEO purposes the best practice is to have one service page for every type of service that your company would like to go after. While this may seem like a daunting task it is worth the investment of time and money.

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Picture of Walter Moreira
Walter Moreira
Walter Moreira is the president and CEO of Cindtoro a digital marketing firm started in 2019. With 5+ years of professional marketing experience Cindtoro specializes in working with professional services firms: commercial real estate, private equity, lenders, accountants and law firms who are looking to increase quality meetings, gain a competitive advantage, and close more real estate deals from online media channels. Walter and his team at Cindtoro do this by using proven and effective marketing strategies. Walter is Cindtoro's head SEO and PPC specialist and a leading SEO consultant for high-profile national companies. Walter is certified in Google search ads, Google Display, Hubspot and other platforms to provide clients with the best quality service. In 2024 Cindtoro became a Google Advertising Partner a designation that Walter and his team are very proud of. Walter spends his free time designing and building handmade pens for people who like unique gifts.