How Developing a Digital Presence Can Help Your Commercial Real Estate Firm


It should come as no surprise that it is more important than ever to develop a strong digital presence for your commercial real estate firm. Especially if you want to stand out within your local market, enhance your marketing efforts and gain new potential clients long term.

Many commercial real estate private equity firms, brokerages, high performing agents / brokers understand they need a great online strategy. But most of the time fail to act to increase their brand awareness or elevate other aspects of their digital presence.

If you have been on the fence about investing in commercial real estate marketing for your firm this article will help you make a decision about why it is important to develop a strong digital presence.

Expand audience 

No matter where you look, people are spending more of their time online, working remotely, using video calls, ordering groceries or catching up on social media.

 People who may have been hesitant to complete certain transactions online are slowly being pushed into the need to adopt a digital focused mindset and presence. 

All of the experiences that we just listed above are actively helping to usher in the new virtual way of doing business. This extends to the commercial real estate industry as well. Take this as a prime opportunity to tap into a new highly engaged audience that spends the majority of their time in front of their digital screens.

Market properties more effectively

Whether you’re trying to get in front of potential buyers, sellers or you want to lease more property this can be done with digital marketing.

As you expand your commercial real estate companies’ online presence you’ll be able to market your properties more effectively rather than just relying on traditional mediums.  

Get your properties seen with search engine optimization, make it easy for your target audience to search for the property that they’re looking for via a property search engine directly on your website, advertise your property effectively with Google ads. 

The list goes on if you looking for a more expanded list read this article here: 30 Ways To Gain Inbound Leads For Your Real Estate Business

Become a market leader

 Do you want to become a market leader? Then you need to do what the best do. In this case some of the larger firms have already adopted a digital focused strategy.

One of the things that is highly important about digital marketing is simply getting started, especially due to the amount of time that it takes to achieve success.

Those who start sooner rather than later see the most benefit. Becoming a market leader could be done with many digital strategies like: search engine optimization SEO, paid advertising, an enhanced social media presence , a high quality YouTube channel and much more.

Utilize digital data / analytics

By far one of the most amazing benefits of digital marketing for any company is the access to robust digital data / analytics. There are so many various different things that are capable of being tracked such as: 

  • Time on site
  • Bounce-rate 
  • What properties somebody viewed
  • How long did they view those properties for?
  • Did they download your brochure? 
  • Did they reach the contact page but they did not call you?

All of these various different things that we mentioned and hundreds more can be tracked using digital marketing analytics. At Cindtoro we use a data-driven process that allows us to track the most important things that matter to you and your firm.

Improve brand awareness 

If we had to guess you want to be known as “the best commercial real estate firm” in your local area or the world ( depending on how ambitious you are ) developing a strong digital presence for your commercial real estate firm can help you do that. 

When you remain active on social media, invest in search engine optimization, paid advertising and more you will improve the brand awareness of your company which will lead to more opportunities to close more deals and do more business 

Create credibility 

 you may already have a very well-known name within commercial real estate. But what about your online credibility? Do people know who you are online? Can they find your real estate website easily? 

if they can’t it could be one of the missing factors that you need in order to appear more credible with your target audience. 

We are not saying that if somebody has trouble finding you or your firm online that makes you less credible, we are simply pointing out that it is important to invest in a digitally focused strategy to create an enhanced level of credibility for you or your commercial real estate firm.

Get ahead of your competition

Every company has competitors. If you’re looking to beat that competition then you need to expand beyond their capabilities. Ideally you want to be known as the firm everybody goes to within your local area or the world.

You want to be seen everywhere no matter what somebody looks up or where somebody tries to go they need to see your commercial real estate firm’s brand name in as many places as possible. This helps to create an omnipresent approach, something that people will remember for years to come.

Invest in your commercial real estate digital presence today 

If you or your firm have been looking for ways to get ahead of your competition, increase your brand awareness and enhance your commercial real estate firm’s digital presence then please reach out to the Cindtoro marketing team.

We have been specializing in commercial real estate marketing since 2019 helping real estate firms all across the United States enhance their digital presence and reach their target market.

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