Central Florida Marketing Agency

The Role of Social Media Marketing for Multifamily Real Estate 

The Role Of Social Media Marketing For Multifamily Real Estate

Are you a property owner, leasing agent or a property management company looking for additional ways to bolster marketing efforts, improve lead generation and enhance your online reputation of your multifamily community? Creating high quality multifamily marketing plans does not have to be a an impossible task.

There are numerous ways to do this, If there is one thing that we know how to do at Cindtoro it’s digital marketing. Specifically speaking marketing mainly for commercial real estate companies. This includes multifamily properties. We have a wide range of advertising specialties at our disposal, helping you to: gain new tenants, leads and listings. In this article by the Cindtoro marketing team we are going to review social media marketing for multifamily real estate.

Key takeaways

There are many different types of marketing tactics that can be employed to market a multifamily property on social media. Here is what you will learn by reading this article.

  • The importance of getting on the right platforms
  • Using paid advertising
  • The use of video
  • Following and potentially setting trends
  • High-quality photos

Get on the right platforms

One of the first pieces to any type of effective social media marketing is getting on the right platforms. There are numerous ones to choose from that are effective for commercial real estate marketing. Things like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and others can all be utilized in various different fashions to reach different types of target audiences.

If you know who you’re trying to reach, it is much easier to understand the type of platform that you will need to utilize. Here is an example for you if you want to reach younger people ages 21 to 35 you may consider using a platform like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and even YouTube. But if you want to reach an older audience on social media, then you may want to consider utilizing LinkedIn or Facebook.

Paid Social Media Advertising 

Organic social media marketing can sometimes be difficult to gain the level of brand awareness that you need for effective marketing. Which is why planning to utilize paid social media advertising is an excellent way to increase your multifamily apartment complexes brand awareness, reach, and overall engagement. By advertising on social media, you can select specific demographics you want to reach. There is a vast array of capabilities at your disposal to drive the most effective traffic to your website.

High quality photos

A quality social media account will have lots of high-quality photos that showcases the property, the amenities and much more. Using these high-quality photos, you will be able to entice potential renters to come check out your multifamily property in their local area. High quality photos can help to turn those vacant units into occupied in no time (with the right social media strategy.

Utilize user generated content 

The good news is you don’t just have to utilize your own high-quality photos to promote your multifamily complex. You could opt to use UGC also known as user generated content from other people who currently live at the complex. 

A great way to do this could be setting up a location with a unique hashtag that a renter could use to share their experience living at the property. This is of course provided you gain consent to use their photos on your own social media page to reach others who may be looking to rent in the area you are located in.

Use video 

Another key factor of effective social media accounts? Using high-quality videos throughout their social media accounts. No matter what account you choose to use for your marketing and advertising using video is a key component in the process. Video based marketing promotes overall content diversity, provides a more engaging experience and is shared more than regular photos. This is also a great time to take prospective renters on a virtual tour showcasing the various different floor plans that your community has to offer. Social media videos could be in the forms of live post, reels, YouTube shorts, and much more!

It should come as no surprise that the digital marketing landscape is always changing there are always new social media trends that should be embraced if you want to stay ahead of the curve. 

By following the latest trends on social media, your commercial real estate company will have a forward thinking approach and will connect better with younger renters who are utilizing various different types of social media platforms.

Create your own hashtags or use other relevant ones.

Did you know that social media platforms work similarly to the way a search engine does?

We talked about this briefly under the user generated content section. Creation of your own hashtags can be an excellent way to gain a high-quality engaged audience. Hashtags can help you be found for more unique searches as potential renters are browsing their favorite social media platform. If for whatever reason you have no ideas for creating new custom hashtags look to use ones that are local to the area of your apartment complex. 

Below are some examples to use: 

  • #OrlandoMultifamilyProperty 
  • #RentOrlandoMultifamily 
  • #Commercialrealestate
  • #Your property name

Include social media hashtags on all of your post and you will extend your organic social media reach further than post that do not contain hashtags. 

What are other ways multifamily social media marketing can be used?

People want to see the behind-the-scenes of a company. So much information on social media is highly scripted in a way that provides an inhumane approach. Remember that social media still is all about people at the end of the day!

Social media does not have to be primarily focused on just gaining new renters. Your multifamily marketing strategy contain a section to use the platform as a way to improve your customer service, reputation management and many other factors. It could become an additional place that people go to when they are looking to discover updates, or relevant news about your complex.


If you or your commercial real estate firm needs help marketing your multifamily property using social media the Cindtoro team is here to assist your needs. 

Our company was founded in 2019 specializing in helping CRE and residential real estate firms increase their traffic, number of leases, listings, inbound leads. and much more.

We also specialize in other areas of professional services like medical spas, law firms, and others. 

If you would like to get a custom quote from our professional marketing team on how to effectively advertise your multifamily property using social media please reach out by calling 407-923-0109 or fill out our contact form and a member of our team will get in touch with you soon. We look forward to hearing from you!


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